How to Cook Goya Champuru

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1/2 Goya
100g Sliced Pork
1 Egg
1/2 Tofu
1 Tablespoon of Salad Oil
1 1/2 Tablespoon of Soy Sauce
1 1/2 Tablespoon of Sweet Sake
A little dried bonito

1 Cut 1/2 Goya into half and remove seeds and seend wool and then cut it in 2mm round slices.
2 Put sliced Goya into a salty water bowl and wash it by rubbing and then remove the moisture from the sliced Goya by using paper towels.
3 Beat the egg.
4 Cut sliced pork into bite-sized pieces.
5 Drain Tofu and cut it into bite-sized pieces by hand.
6 Put 1 tablespoon of sald oil into a pan and then after a while put in the beated egg until it is half-cooked.
7 Removed the half-cooked egg from the pan then cook Goya and Pork.
8 Put the half-cooked egg into the pan again and put in 1 1/2 tablespoon of soy sauce and 1 1/2 tablespoon of sweet sake and a little dried bonito.
9 Done!

It in an Okinawan traditional food, easy to cook, yammy, and good for your health!
Try cooking it★